Tuesday, January 16, 2018

She's Got Everything

Matthew 6:19-21Amplified Bible (AMP)
19 “Do not store up for yourselves [material] treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in and steal; 21 for where your treasure is, there your heart [your wishes, your desires; that on which your life centers] will be also.

As some of you know my husband and I have been working to become minimalists for about a year now.  We've been slowly trudging through "our" stuff and getting rid of things. Mostly my things. We've been rearranging our lives to start actually thinking about what we have, why we have it, and what purpose it serves.  It made me realize that I had a strong emotional connection to clutter in my life and yet I was not happy.

My favorite movie growing up was The Little Mermaid.  I remember singing the "Part of This World"song over and over again.  My parents bought me the cassette tape and I'd play it over and over. The words started "Look at this stuff. Isn't it neat? wouldn't you say my collections complete? wouldn't you say I'm a girl, girl who has everything?"  It continued to reveal that Ariel wanted more than things in her life she wanted love, she wanted adventure, she wanted to experience something she had never seen before or never been part of.

We can surround ourselves as much as we want with things and with possessions that we feel bring us joy.  However, if you realize that you still feel empty inside your cluttered house perhaps you are longing for more.  I began to realize I'd rather spend money on meaningful things like experiences with my family.  Like investing time into helping my family grow spiritually and closer together. More importantly, it helped me realized that if I had lost everything I would still be okay and God would supply all my needs.  I realized that what I had were not needs but wants. The most important things in life were not bought.  The most important things in life were provided to me by a gracious God who loved me.  The most important things in my life such as my family were God's gift and I could never have done anything to earn them.

When we realize as Christians that we are just "travelers passing through", it makes me think perhaps I should have the bare minimum while I'm down here.  Do we travel light?  What is important for this journey in life? Is it the things we carry on our backs? or the things we carry in our hearts?

Monday, January 15, 2018

Sarcasm Chasm

Ephesians 4:15Amplified Bible (AMP)
15 But speaking the truth in love [in all things—both our speech and our lives expressing His truth], let us grow up in all things into Him [following His example] who is the Head—Christ.

So many times... I've opened my mouth and I've said things I've regretted.  Many times people need to remind me that I'm being sarcastic and rude.  The sad part is most of the time I don't even realize I'm doing it. Most of the time I do it when I'm feeling like someone is up my neck or judging me.  I guess what I need to realize is how it makes people feel.  The words we speak the things we do are impacting the people around us... we need to realize when we speak we represent Christ.  People don't want a God who is sarcastic they want a God who is a God of love.

Do you know how sometimes you don't need to say anything? Sometimes our body language is enough to reveal how we are feeling about things?  It is REALLY hard for me to show up to work sometimes in a good mood.  Most days I go in I see that one student who is really a challenge for my patience and I think oh great... this is going to be a fun day. My attitude is displayed through my body language and sooner or later my boss picks up on it and tells me.  I'm like NO what do you mean?  then I realize what she's saying is true! I need to welcome every child into my classroom with love.  In my words, in my actions, and deep in my heart I have to get to the root of my bitterness to realize... these are the children I'm put here to serve with God's love.  This is my ministry... if I'm bitter, if I'm sarcastic, if I'm "not in the mood to deal with it" then what kind of a testimony am I giving?

This also impacts my relationships with others. So many times it is easiest to say to people you love ... nasty things.  Things that you don't think but you just say them because perhaps you didn't drink enough coffee in the morning... perhaps you are bitter at something else which causes you to lash out on people you love the most.  I'm not saying coffee keeps me from saying stupid things... I actually think coffee causes my motor mouth to run off more. I avoid caffeine. When we realize just about everything we say impacts people we realize how we can make our mark on the world.  God wants us to take our sarcasm and turn it around into love.  He wants us to model how God would talk to others.  We need to remember in our stressful moments that God is in control.  Not just of the situation but of our tongues.  We need to surrender fully to Him and allow Him to speak through us.

In this day, my challenge is to you to speak from love.  Watch the sarcasm chasm... do not get into that pit of despair. Speak words that will cause others to realize they are loved, cherished, and worthy.

F.I.G.H.T. Back

Psalm 96:3 ESV 

Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!

It is come to my realization just how important it is to make an impact in the world. My husband and I were talking last night about how literacy can survive through ages.  When an author dies they leave a sort of legacy.  I was beginning to think I'd love to be an author.  Then I realized  I am an author.  I would like to catch you up on some great things God has done in my life recently because I feel it will help you see my perspective now as I take on this blog again;

I have welcomed my daughter into my life.  I was told most of my life since about 1997 to 2001 that I was not able to have children because I had a brain aneurysm. In 2012 I married the love of my life who was willing to adopt and foster with me.  When I realized that in order to be a foster parent in our state we were suppose to tell our youth that it was okay to be gay we realized that the red tape was just not very friendly for our biblical lifestyle.  Then a good friend of the family passed away and in her dying breath revealed to my mother her one regret in life was never having children.  This sent chills down my spine and hubby and I sat down with doctors and asked if by some miracle the brain aneurysm was indeed gone.  It was there was nothing but scar tissue.  I had many tests and many doctors opinions and I was cleared to have kids... as long as I got my A1C down and I did. Last year I gave birth to a healthy baby girl.  She was born premature.  I had almost died after having preclampsia and losing over half my blood. Thanks to people who donate blood I was able to receive three blood transfusions that saved my life. My life now has taken on a new role as a mom, as a wife, yes I do not find it easy to find time to write.  However, I feel it is important to get the messages that God puts in my heart across to the world.

So here I am.  I'm back! I'm ready to live life and F.I.G.H.T.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Raggedy but Cherished

Isaiah 64:6
All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.

My mom has a Raggedy Ann doll, because she had a difficult life... and she didn't have any dolls to play with. My grandma made my mother a rag doll with blonde yarn hair, button eyes, a candy heart, and a heart sewed onto her chest.  I LOVED my mom's rag doll growing up but realized how precious it was to my mom.  When I was a bit older my mom made me a doll also looked like me She even embroidered a heart on it. My mom loved her doll.  To her it wasn't just something that was made from rags that were put together.  To her it was very special especially because it was created with love.   She cherished that doll and loved that doll and still does to this day.

I believe that God made us with love and cherishes us!  Because of sin His creation became as filthy rags but He still loves us!  When I think of my mom's doll I remember the heart she has sewn on her chest.  Every time I remember that heart I remember without Christ we would not have life.  A heart gives life to our bodies.  Christ in our heart gives us eternal life. We might not be as beautiful on the outside as a porcelain doll and we may not be perfect but we are definitely cherished and we are definitely loved..  God sees us He loves us despite our rags. He sees our hearts.  We do not have to be fancy or fake with Him we can be ourselves we can be raggedy and He'll always love us He created us! He sewed us together in our mother's womb! We are as filthy riches but He restored us through Christ's sacrifice for us and when we accept Christ into our hearts we can go on and be cherished for eternity!  Because in Christ we have life! 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Hopeful Romantic

“Why must people kneel down to pray? If I really wanted to pray I’ll tell you what I'd do. I'd go out into a great big field all alone or in the deep, deep woods and I'd look up into the sky—up—up—up—into that lovely blue sky that looks as if there was no end to its blueness. And then I'd just feel a prayer.”  Anne Shirely in Anne of the Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery 

When I was growing up I loved Anne of the Green Gables so much that I used to borrow all the movies constantly from the library and watch them over and over.  I used to read the book and become lost in the characters and feel like I was part of the story right there "kindered spirits" with Anne. 

I do feel that if Anne was a real person in my time we would be friends.  I love how dramatic she was quoting poetry getting into a boat laying down to feel what the person in the poem felt only to be awaken by her boat sinking and her clinging to a pier post needing to be rescued by a boy who teased her (later to become her husband).  Whenever she made a mistake she thought she was "doomed to despair". Mainly I love how Anne (who was an orphan and not actually wanted at first once adopted) finally realized that people loved her for who she was and embraced her unique qualities.  She was no longer a hopeless romantic but a hopeful romantic with people who cared deeply for her and she genuinely cared deeply for people. Not to mention she became a teacher.  What other better profession right? Let's get back to the point.  The quote above is from Anne when her guardian was trying to get her to kneel and say her prayers like a girl who wasn't raised by "heathens".  However, Anne has something different in mind... Anne is a romantic and a hopeful romantic.  She was pretty on par when she explained that she felt the way to get closest to God was through His creation.

As an adult I'm still a bit of a daydreamer and a romantic.  I could lay out in the field of the campground that I go to in Acadia, Maine for hours stare deep into the night sky while the stars beyond stars. I feel so much closer to God being surrounded by His creation, when it comes to having an intimate relationship with God give me a romantic picnic in the field with Him alone any day. 

Sometimes we need to be like Anne more and romanticize even with how amazing God's creation is and let it bring us closer to Him.  Alone time with God in a field?  or in the woods? Doesn't that sound so romantic?  Doesn't it just give you goosebumps?  God wants a relationship with us! He wants to show you His beauty wrap you in His loving arms and tell you how loved you are and how He longs to hold you close to Him.  Where will you meet God today?

James 4:8 a
Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.

Monday, January 18, 2016

The Son Will Come Out Tomorrow

John 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

Sometimes I feel like little orphan Annie just holding onto Hope.  I hope that God meets my needs, I hope that my future will be bright.  However, no matter what I "know", that Jesus will be coming back and when He does He has a place for me... a mansion just over the hilltop.

As a young girl I loved watching Annie.  I loved watching the little girl who had nothing, still clinging onto the hope that someday someone would love her and come back for her.  She hoped that it would be her biological parents.  I'm sure that Annie felt out of place in the "hard knocks" of life.  I'm sure she just clung to her dream that someday someone would swoop her up and her worries would be over and her life would be fulfilled and life would hold a little more meaning.  She sang joyfully of "TOMORROW". 

I admit that sometimes when I have a difficult day I often find myself even humming this song.  "When we are stuck with a day that's gray and lonely we just need to stick up our chin and grin and say... Tomorrow, tomorrow, we love you tomorrow!"  No matter how gray and dismal life can become I always take advice from Annie and remember who my Father is in Heaven and that I've got Jesus coming back for me Tomorrow! and it may only be a day away!  Cling to the promise that there is a mansion waiting for you someday that God is our adoptive Father who loves us very much when the world just seems to be so dark and people are so greedy. God offers us Shelter in His unfailing Love.  Keep focusing on the future! Stay bright and sing on! He's coming back! and until then remember that His Mercy is new every morning so just hang on until tomorrow come what may.

22 It is because of the Lord’s loving kindness that we are not consumed,

Because His [tender] compassion never fail. 23 They are new every morning;

Great and beyond measure is Your faithfulness

Lamentations 3:22-23 Amplified Bible (AMP)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Don't Be a Snore Loser

Psalms 30: 5b - weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

Have the thoughts in your mind ever kept you awake at night? Has worry ever made you lose out on a good night's sleep? Has depression ever overtaken your joy to the point where you sleep all day and stay up all night?

This past week and for probably many weeks now I haven't been sleeping well. I've stayed awake worrying about work and thinking about my classroom. I would get up in the middle of the night to work on lesson plans then be falling asleep at my keyboard and crawl back into bed.  It used to be my constant thought, until now. I remember listening to my husband snoring and thinking HOW does he do it? How can he just "relax"and sleep?  I was so tired of being tired and drinking coke to stay alive during the daytime. I felt like a vampire but instead of sucking life out of others I was letting life suck it out of me. 

If you obsess over anything God may just take that away from you. You may not think you are obsessing over something and you may not even realize you are doing it. God wants us to think about Him not about our problems but our promises we have through Him. God doesn't want us to worry He wants us to just trust He has a plan.  For me, I know God has a plan but sometimes it's hard to just "relax" and let God deal with it all.  Thankfully He always seems to know when to grab the steering wheel and pull the car back into the right direction so my thoughts don't run me into a tree.  

My pastor has been talking about Gideon lately and talking about how God didn't call us to be losers. I thought that this was perfect for all the stress that I went through this week to just relax and realize God has already won the victory over my situation.  Then I remembered that word "loser"... I realized losers usually lose something... they usually lose faith. Most of the time they lose faith that God is going to work all things out.  I don't want to be a loser because I know that God is going to work all things out. It's definitely not worth losing sleep over.

1 Peter 5:7 - Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.