In a society that encourages tot's in tiaras and eleven year old beauty pageant contestants there is a very cloudy view on what it means to be grown up. I have a problem where I look in the mirror and I see a little girl. Ever have that problem? I felt if I don't look grown up then how will I ever act grown up? Have you ever had your parents say that the behavior that you are displaying is ridiculous and you should just grow up? In all my years of reading self help books (mostly all biblically based) I have never found a successful book that explains how to grow up. As a teacher I can tell you that everyone matures in different stages at different times. I believe God knows this also. He wont ask you to look grown up but He does ask us to act grown up. Think about it Jesus, took on His Father's work at what age? Growing up doesn't have a specific age to it. It's a matter of your heart. How will I maturely use the God given gifts to help society and glorify my Father? What actions will we take to grow up? Will we use words differently and treat people with more respect? Is there a specific thing that we need to release before we mature? It is necessary for our spiritual growth to remain in God's word. So let's stay in God's word and encourage one another to grow. It may be painful but I'm here to hold your hand and pray with you.
1 Corinthians 13:11
When I was a child, I made use of a child's language, I had a child's feelings and a child's thoughts: now that I am a man, I have put away the things of a child.
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