Psalm 91:9-10
9 If you make the Most High your dwelling—
even the LORD, who is my refuge-
10 then no harm will befall you,
no disaster will come near your tent.
I read a lot of Victorian literature. Mainly because I was forced into it by the requirements put on me from school. However, I remember I took some electives also. One thing that popped out as I read Victorian novels was that every house had a "master" and the oldest son would also be called master by the servants. I kept thinking how dreadful to give a child so much power to trip over. Then a few weeks ago I watched a movie Faith Like Potatoes. The main character was not always a good man. When he dishonored God by treating his workers wrong God did not bless him. However, his life turned around and his workers began to call him "master". He was always good to them making sure they were safe and protected. That is how God wants us to be in our homes. He gives us the reign in our home but if we honor Him, He will bless us. Not only our homes but our bodies as well. If we honor God with our whole lives God will bless us. He is our Master but we are His children and He has given us authority as well.
Many of us women get a little "antsy" when we hear the word "submitting". Our deep lineage back to Eve has made us "helpmates" not "heads". The bible says in Genesis that we can not be head of our home. Our husbands will be the head of our home. Isaiah 54 says that "God is our husband". So when we are single, God is the only husband we have. When we are married, our earthly husband is the "spiritual" head of our house. That is why it is so important to choose your husband wisely. We want someone who will be a master over our house like God. We want someone who will honor God so that our home will be blessed. However, we too are required to make sure that our house runs the right way and that our children are raised to honor and obey God. Submitting isn't such a bad thing when our prize is so great. God honors us when we honor Him. If we seek Him, He will protect us and love us.
Is your home in the hands of the Master?
1 Samuel 2:30
30“Therefore, the Lord God of Israel declares: I certainly thought that your family and your father’s family would always live in my presence.
“But now the Lord declares: I promise that I will honor those who honor me, and those who despise me will be considered insignificant.