If any of you have ever traveled on the highway you realize how dangerous a deer can be. They are "everywhere" and at "any" moment can leap out in front of you. My brother on the way up prayed a prayer that God would protect us from any deer. On the way back sure enough there was a deer standing right on the highway, just standing and looking at us. It seemed confident and secure and didn't seem to fear us much at all. My dad blasted it's horn and finally it lept off to safety. Deer belong away from people where they can be safe and live long healthy lives. This reminded me of the scripture that says that God will protect us and He'll keep our hinds feet in high places. We can't always be secure or confident around others who might harm us. However, we can remember that God promises to protect us. He will lead us into safety even if it's not for a while. Bad things might happen to us but God will always provide a place of rest and safety when we need it. If we pray and open up to Him he will take pleasure in that and answer our prayers. God loves when we come to Him even when we are afraid and broken. He will heal us and give us hope and courage. Remember where you stand with God today. Keep confident in secure in His mercy, grace, and unconditional love.
2 Samuel 22:34 AMP
He makes my feet like the hinds' [firm and able]; He sets me secure and confident upon the heights.
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