Psalm 18:3-4
3 I called to the LORD, who is worthy of praise,
and I have been saved from my enemies.
4 The cords of death entangled me;
the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me.
My friend and I love to work out and while we work out we always talk about the most interesting things. I'd say the majority of our time is spent talking about our spiritual walks as well as things that we need encouragement on. What a better time to work off stress not only physically but spiritually? Well, yesterday we were talking about how interesting it was being in a spiritually filled church when that was something that we were not used to as young children. I grew up in a spiritually filled home but as a young child I didn't realize why they were laying hands on me or speaking in tongues. To be honest it's pretty scary to someone who is not familiar with the idea. The first time my friend came to one of my favorite spirit filled churches I encouraged her to go into a room to have prophecy spoke over her. Well let's just say when people start praying over you to be released from chains that are weighing you down spiritually and laying hands on you it can be a bit overwhelming, especially when you are not used to how things work with the Holy Spirit in present day.
So often people forget that the Holy Spirit still moves through us like It did in biblical times. We forget that we have the authority over the devil through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was what Jesus left us when He transcended into heaven after He conquered the grave. The Holy Spirit was given to us to be our comforter and protector and give us spiritual gifts to help us. Our spiritual gifts are not only meant to help us grow spiritually but they are meant for us to help others spiritually as well. Sometimes we might not know our spiritual gifts until we pray for God to open our eyes to His Holy Spirit more.
So what is the purpose of spiritual gifts like speaking in tongues or the laying of hands that weird sometimes weird people out? Well, let's go back to those chains... if you read the scripture from above sometimes the enemy (satan) tries to weigh us down so that we can't experience full joy and peace through Christ. Those chords of death are the guilt, shame, and condemnation that satan tricks us into believing although through Christ's blood we were released from these things and healed from any "sin" that was causing us to face death. Yes we will have to face physical death but because of Christ we will never have to face spiritual death. We have a home with Him in Heaven. Meanwhile we have a purpose here on earth and the Holy Spirit has given us gifts in order to fill this purpose. So if you feel those chains dragging you down start speaking in tongues out of faith and start claiming your God given authority over those chains. Remember Christ already conquered death!
John 10:17-18
17 The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. 18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.
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