We all know the story. The girl loses her father and an evil step mother comes to force her into a miserable life until the fairy godmother comes along to save the day by transforming her rags into riches and allow her to be presented to the prince who she would marry. Well Princess, this story is much better!
Once upon a time there was a little girl who lost "both" her parents. Thankfully she didn't have to go live with a wicked anyone she got to live with her older cousin a nice man who raised her and told her of her heritage all her life. Eventually this girl grew up to be a very beautiful young lady.
One day a king ordered all the beautiful virgins to be assembled before him so that he could chose a new wife. The beautiful young lady was advised by her sweet cousin never to reveal her heritage or any of her background to anyone in the kingdom. So the girl listened to her kind cousin and even changed her own name so that no one would recognize it's roots. There the girl was presented with a beauty treatment and beautiful clothes and jewels to wear. The other virgins were dolling up and getting ready to present themselves to the king. They were laying on the jewels thick as well as the perfume. However the beautiful young lady did not instead she asked the man who had served the king for years what she should wear. She took this mans advice. She was very kind to everyone and everyone in the kingdom grew to love her. When the king heard of her he asked for her to be presented to him. He fell in love with her and placed a crown upon her head. She had one the beauty contest and the king's hand in marriage!
But this was not the end of the story... some evil men were plotting to kill the king and the new queen's kind cousin warned her about this. The new queen told her husband and the husband found out that she was indeed right. She had saved his life!
However this was not the end... one of the king's men had put out word to kill all the queens people of her heritage and the queen was afraid. She went to her kind cousin and he told her that "now" was the time to reveal who she was and what her heritage was. The queen knew this would probably make the king mad and he might even order her to be killed but she had to stand up for her people. She told her that his man was having her people killed. The man became angry and insisted that she be killed but her husband the king spared her life and ordered that the lives of her people be spared as well. The king loved his wife so much... she was truly a heroin.
This whole story can be read in the book of Esther.
This story was not just about some beauty contest this story was about a woman who loved God and her people and was brave enough to stand for what was right even if it meant her own life would be taken. How brave are we? Would we use what God gave us and stand in the midst of our enemies unashamed? Even if it meant death? Or maybe even job loss? I encourage you today to stand firm on your faith no matter what the cost! Be an Esther :)
1 Corinthian 16:13
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.
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