22Cast your burden on the Lord [releasing the weight of it] and He will sustain you; He will never allow the [consistently] righteous to be moved (made to slip, fall, or fail).(A)
23But You, O God, will bring down the wicked into the pit of destruction; men of blood and treachery shall not live out half their days. But I will trust in, lean on, and confidently rely on You.
As I was driving Mema/Lela (Johnny's Grandma) home last Thursday we talked about a lot of deep spiritual issues that are going on in society. It was a constant on our heart thing that keeps getting repeated by many people I love "we are in the last days". When I hear that my heart tends to shiver and chills run up my spine, not because I am afraid. Honestly my heart weeps for all those who do not realize there is still a God out there who they need. I was pouring out my heart to Lela about how I have been trying to minister to my friends... and how sad it is to even see my Christian friends slipping into the patterns of the world. I feel responsible I feel like I need to help them keep their heads above water. Lela said all I can do is pray and that is enough. Lela has GREAT faith and is a mighty prayer warrior and for her to say that seems so easy.
Tonight I was reading my dad's posts on facebook. I didn't realize I post so much until I realized he posts every three seconds. I post like that also. Why? because I long to touch the world before it is too late. I read today how children in public schools in California are going to be spoon fed lies from Satan. Little children in Kindergarten are going to be force fed a lot of crap about "tolerance". My heart started pounding and breaking for all these children. I started racing in my head thinking what will I do, what will I do if it infects Connecticut. I can not teach children lies of Satan. I can not desensitize them to sin. I need them to know the truth! I was thinking maybe I'll just hide away in a Christian school some place where I know I am allowed to speak the truth. But God made me re-read a letter I got from my pastor's wife.
I had been going through a time of persecution and rumors when my pastor gave me this scripture to read. She told me to read Psalm 55. I read it tonight again as I was trying to know what God wants me to do. God quieted my soul and said YOU ARE CHOSEN! I have to be a light when all around me is dark. I have to be the truth because if I am "not there" how will His children know? If I don't go who will? We need to be ready equipped for battle because we are living in the end times. There is a war to fight and it may get ugly but we need to know our side is already victorious!
Why am I posting this to a blog going out to young Christian girls mostly? Because we are women! and as women we were designed as nurturers, healers, helpers and teachers! We need to get out there and glow.
So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. And don't be ashamed of me, either, even though I'm in prison for him. With the strength God gives you, be ready to suffer with me for the sake of the Good News.
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