Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tried you in the furnace of affliction.
A while ago I had a weird dream of a ring made from glass. I remember feeling sorrow because the ring had broken and shattered and I felt as if my dreams had been shattered also. I was weeping and crying out that it was not suppose to be glass but it was suppose to be sterling silver.
Have you ever been to a glass blowing place? The person sticks the sand into a furnace until it forms a ball of molten glass then blows on it to form something beautiful? I've always been fascinated by glass. I wrote a poem called "The Sea Glass Heart" about a heart that had been shattered and become dangerous to others who tried to pick it up. The sea glass heart would rest in the bottom of the ocean until it got smooth and was no longer dangerous. When it was healed and ready to be admired the heart returned to shore awaiting the right person to pick it up and cherish it always.
I recently have discovered that glass is so fragile it will always be prone to brokenness. I no longer thought that a glass heart was something beautiful. Today I got a text that said "Btw it's not glass it's metal". I realized then I wasn't seeking a glass heart... I needed my heart to be like metal. I needed it to be molten by the Holy Spirit so all the impurities and things that were not of Him would come out. Then it would settle into a beautiful form that was strong and able to stand the test of time.
Sometimes when something looks beautiful and fragile it can be dangerous. However, something dirty and coarse can become something pure and strong! The way we get there is to keep in our hearts the things that will make us pure and strong.
6The words and promises of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in an earthen furnace, purified seven times over.
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