Psalm 18:22-23
23 I have been blameless before him
and have kept myself from sin.
24 The LORD has rewarded me according to my righteousness,
according to the cleanness of my hands in his sight.
Growing up godly wasn't easy. People always looked at me like I was suppose to have all the answers and have it all together because I was "Christian". People forget that Christians are human sometimes and make mistakes. We struggle with flesh we just make choices and hopefully those choices are influenced by the word of God. I knew my word and still I made some choices that were not Christ-like... it happens. That's why God forgave me and still people look at me like I'm the goody-goody girl who never gets herself into trouble.
Wow if I could only list all the trouble I have managed to get myself "out of" over the years. I still thank God because my life should have not been so sunshine, rainbows, and butterflies, as it is today because of some of the "unwise" choices I've made. However God helped me through it with His unfailing love and unending mercy. I would not be writing this blog today if I was not eternally grateful for His loving mercy and grace.
Being a goody-goody girl was fun to an extent ... I got away with a lot because my teachers didn't think I was the type to misbehave. When children tattled on me when I was younger I played innocent and yes I eventually paid for it but not then. It wasn't until I was older and I really started becoming a goody-goody godly girl... when children started harassing me and teasing me and making fun of me. I didn't want anything to do with worldly things and I always thought it was sad how "sexual" teenagers had become. I was mocked because I wasn't like them I was even spit at and boys even stripped in front of me in middle school because I refused to give into the ideal "sexually immoral" junk they fantasized about. Thankfully God delivered me from those situations and put me into another middle school where I was surrounded by a wood shop teacher who was a born again Christian and brought his bible to school. From then on God placed Christians in my life so that I would have a support system. I would no longer be the only "goody-goody" around.
But I eventually learned that even when I am the only goody-goody it is okay because it's only God's opinion that matters. I have to remember to delight fully in Him. I am sure there are people who still look at me like a goody-goody but I don't I'm just human... I'm flesh ... and by God's grace I'm saved and set free... so that I can "try" to be Christ-like and godly. I can try to seek after righteousness.
So here it is for all the goody-goody godly girls out there... keep on keeping on and keep it real! God sees your heart and blessed are the persecuted. You may feel like you have no friends... but God will bless you for it someday. Keep strong and rock what you've got!
Galatians 6:9
So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up.
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