Psalm 18:43-44
3 You gave me victory over my accusers.
You appointed me ruler over nations;
people I don’t even know now serve me.
44 As soon as they hear of me, they submit;
foreign nations cringe before me.
I'm sure everyone has at one time been accused of something awful. When we are accused what is the first thing we do? We get offended don't we? I remember one time I was in a relationship with someone a long while ago and a bunch of people accused me of being impure. I was outraged at the people because I strongly believe in purity. However, I didn't stay outraged for long because God gave me peace knowing I was blameless before Him. I soon watched as those people left leadership positions in the church and went on to strengthen their relationship with God. It is so easy sometimes for people to accuse and point fingers. I am still learning that people themselves have personal problems and no one is perfect. I am learning not to take it personally when someone falsely accuses me of something or makes prejudgments.
The important thing is to keep realizing that you are a new creation created in Christ Jesus for good works. Even if you have had a "past" it shouldn't matter because in God's sight you have been made pure. Your heart your mind your body and your soul all should be dedicated to the glory of God. As long as you do this there will be no need for conviction. It is not our job to judge or put down someone especially someone who is our brother or sister in Christ. I see this a lot in churches where people think they are better than other people so they start body slamming in the body of Christ. I do not like to see this. I especially do not like to see it around people I love and care about. We have a saying at my church that if you get offended by someone for whatever reason you go to that person first. If that doesn't work take someone in leadership with you to that person. Keep trying to break that offensive spirit off of you because it doesn't belong in the kingdom of God and will not enter in.
We are called to put off strongholds. There are many strongholds that people need to let go of and one is feeling "accused". I have been through an issue lately where I felt the need to make everyone happy. I felt like people were accusing me of not being good enough. However, they were not. I was "feeling accused" and I was letting that false sense keep me from developing strong relationships with the people who I felt were accusing me. I realized it was time to let go and let God. So now I just pray more. Prayer helps, keep praying for people who persecute you whether they are in the world or they are in your own church family. They need it!
Proverbs 20:8-11
8 When a king sits in judgment, he weighs all the evidence,
distinguishing the bad from the good.
9 Who can say, “I have cleansed my heart;
I am pure and free from sin”?
10 False weights and unequal measures[a]—
the Lord detests double standards of every kind.
11 Even children are known by the way they act,
whether their conduct is pure, and whether it is right.
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