Psalm 18:35-36
35 You make your saving help my shield,
and your right hand sustains me;
your help has made me great.
36 You provide a broad path for my feet,
so that my ankles do not give way.
When I read this scripture I thought of my clumsy self and how difficult it is for me sometimes to maintain my balance. I have sprained both my ankles in the past from losing my footing on things. I do agree that if the surface is less narrow I tend to be more balanced. However this is also the girl who just cuts people off in the grocery store with the shopping cart because I don't see them. It's a good thing God's hand is sustaining me because if not I would probably always fall down. I think it is the same for us spiritually. We need God's hand in our lives to direct our path to keep our feet from falling out from His foundation.
Another thing we need to remember is we need to wear the right shoes. I was talking to someone about a time that I went hiking up a steep mountain wearing sneakers. The hike up was not the problem it was more that my feet didn't grip on the loose soil on the way down and I almost slipped right to my death. The bible talks about having our feet shod. We need to have the right shoes for the right activity. If God says go out into the fields and harvest some souls we should have those harvesting shoes on we should know our word we should be prepared for this to happen.
There are shoes for every occasion typically if you are wearing a dress you don't wear hiking boots. If you are wearing a business suit you wouldn't wear slippers. If I am going to battle I need to have my army boots ready. I have to make sure I am prepared in all situations and it is the same spiritually. Our feet need to be planted on the right path so our ankles don't give way. We need to keep from stumbling we need to keep our feet grounded firmly as well as our heart spiritually grounded firmly in the word of God. We need to meditate on the word of God day and night so we wont unknowingly fall into temptation.
Also if we have laces... things that hang off our shoes make sure they are secure so people don't step on them and trip you. There is nothing worse then when someone is walking behind you and steps on your shoelaces you lunge forward. God gives you your spiritual shoes for a reason and we must take care of them. Keep them close to us and be prepared to have to stop every so often to make sure they are secure and use them. Have you ever walked through a puddle with your shoe laces undone? They get all soggy and muddy and when you go to tie them it's like ewww gross. Well, it's the same spiritually. We walk into sinful situations and if we aren't secure in our walk with Christ we are gonna pick up something that will make us feel dirty. Keep remembering to tie your shoes.
So let's take it one step at a time on the right path with the right shoes.
Ephesians 6:15
For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared.
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