Psalm 25:11-12
11 For the sake of your name, LORD,
forgive my iniquity, though it is great.
12 Who, then, are those who fear the LORD?
He will instruct them in the ways they should choose.
It was a beautiful day today the sun was shining the sky was clear and no clouds. I got out of my test and I felt amazing peace. I wanted to share the peace with a close friend that I had so I texted him to invite him over after asking my parents. Okay I will admit that I like this friend a lot. I just feel great when he is around I really enjoy his company. We both get along very well and we both long to honor and respect God's will. We don't want to rush into a relationship right now because we want to be sure that it's God's will. I feel that's wise right? How difficult waiting for God's response sometimes. I fear God sure that's why I'm waiting. I want this to be a blessing... and we are not moving forward until we know it is.
I'm glad God is a forgiving God that He forgives our iniquities. My parents helped me see myself for who I really am and how beautiful I am. My friend who is happily married now loves to remind me of how God sees me. She also encourages me to remain pure and focused on Him. I love God with all my heart. My heart is sacred ground and I wont let anyone tred on that ground anymore unless they are welcomed in by Him. Many of you who know me know how many relationships I've been through in the past. Many of you tried to warn me that they were not of God. Thank God He forgives us of our iniquities. Thank God He rescued me from a life that would probably not have been happy if He had not protected me such as He did. I trust my God with my life... and the life of anyone He allows into my heart. Just this time I want to be sure God gives them the go ahead. I thank God my friend is patient and really wants to please God as well. I thank God that he is waiting for God's go ahead and not just barging in. Awaiting instruction is hard. It's hard for anyone who is waiting for "any" answers from God. If you ever need me to encourage you and pray with you as you wait I will. Maybe you can also pray for me and my friend.
Psalm 145:15
15The eyes of all wait for You [looking, watching, and expecting] and You give them their food in due season.
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