Psalm 121
1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
There once was a little girl who felt so confused when her dad lost his temper and would start hurting everyone in her family. It hurt her watching her mom be treated poorly and she never really felt that pain when she was hit herself. No matter how much she tried to interject she learned that it was not safe to do so. So she kept quiet and tried to always behave and please everyone so no one would become upset. She dreaded her mother's tears and her father's wrath. However she longed for those days when she could go to church and learn about a God who loved her so much because it was so comforting and peaceful. That same little girl was the girl who always was being told she was naughty when she never did anything naughty. But deep inside she knew that God knew she was good and loved her. Growing up in a house where anyone could explode at anytime for anything was not easy. However, she hid most of the time and spent a lot of time praying. Maybe this story sounds familiar to you?
There are people around you everyday crying out for help. Prayer changes things. Maybe you can not do much "but" pray. Prayer is a powerful thing. When we rest our eyes on God and cry out for help He does hear us. He will protect us. Maybe we feel like we are doomed and miserable but even in our misery He hears us. God is a Father yes... but He is a Father that knows REAL love. A Father who is nurturing and loves you even when you do something wrong. God rejoices when He sees you do things that please Him. He frowns when He sees you do things that don't please Him... but not because He doesn't love you... it is because He loves you, He worries you will get hurt. God tries everything He can to protect us but sometimes He can not protect us from ourselves. We need to take action also. Make sure when you call out to God for help that you have tried everything you can. Otherwise just pray. He will be there with open arms, an open schedule, and an open lap to sit on. Bask in His presence daily and draw closer to Him. He will never leave you or forsake you. He is Father of the fatherless, Healer of the broken hearted, Comforter, Protector, Strong Tower, Shelter... it is okay to cling to Him.
If this reached you and you feel like you need prayer... don't hesitate to come to me. If you need to talk about "anything" I will keep everything confidential. I love you. So does God.
Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am weak; O Lord, heal me, for my bones are troubled. My soul also is greatly troubled; But You, O Lord how long? Return, O Lord, deliver me! Oh, save me for Your mercies' sake! (Ps 6.2-4)
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