Psalms 25:9-10
9 He guides the humble in what is right
and teaches them his way.
10 All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful
toward those who keep the demands of his covenant.
Being humble is not easy. As humans we are prone to think of ourselves and put ourselves first. We do not "naturally" think of others or God, although we should be thinking of God all the time. Have you ever been around someone who needed to munch on some humble pie? Maybe even in church? Maybe even you might need a piece of humble pie? I have overtime learned that I can't point out specks in people's eyes when I have a plank in my own. That for me was something that God needed to humble me to point out. I also learned one year in Sunday school that there is something called a Bema Seat where believers will have to go to stand before Christ and give an account of their lives. I learned that I am the "only" one that can stand there in front of Jesus and I also learned I can't stand there for anyone else either. That helped me to let go of the need to "change people" or as my counselor used to call it, "a Messiah complex".
When I was younger about ten, I used to think being a Christian meant telling people they were sinners and they are going to wind up in hell if they don't repent. That was the church I was brought up in. You went out and if you weren't wearing a skirt all the way down to your ankles with long hair you were a sinner. I learned differently as I got older. My parents never went to church with me when I was younger because I made the decision to go to my Aunt's church which was Baptist. My parents were pentecostal they believed in holiness and the gifts of the Spirit, but they loved me even when I went to a different church. I can't say I showed love toward them though. Sometimes I told them they were going to hell because they bought a lottery ticket "one time". I believe I also told them they were going to hell because they weren't using a King James Bible. I was ten but my mind was repeating what I learned from church. WOW was I wrong also! Even when churches ... say you are going to hell because you are doing something different... ultimately it's God's decision and we are living to please Him not others and especially not a church. If your church doesn't expect you to place God first, or if there is anything that contradicts God's word going on in your church such as; homosexual marriage or even just hypocrisy it is not of God. The bible says anything that is "not" of God... is of Satan. The bible also tells us to resist the devil and flee. KNOW YOUR CHURCH! In order to be humble YOU MUST know YOUR WORD! You must be going to a church where the word is being taught the right way. You must stay in God's word everyday and learn how to discern what is right and what is wrong. The Lord will bless those who keep His covenant. He blesses the humble... before His Bema what would He say to you today? I'm going to have to stand there also but I've learned to be responsible for myself.
Some of you after reading this today might be a little offended. I am not saying all churches are bad at all. I know some Baptist churches that follow the word and are not so much into worldly traditions that are unbiblical. I'm just reminding you that we have to be careful where we are fed. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. I learned from my mistakes. The bible says confess your sins one to another. Those were the things I wish I had never done. So be wise and open your eyes. Be humble and be willing to LISTEN TO GOD! Most importantly stay in the word.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Further info on the Bema Seat:
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