Psalm 25:7-8 (In loving memory of Grandpa Smith)
7 Do not remember the sins of my youth
and my rebellious ways;
according to your love remember me,
for you, LORD, are good.
8 Good and upright is the LORD;
therefore he instructs sinners in his ways.
I love my younger sisters in Christ. I love them so much because they sparkle. I messed up a lot when I was 14 girls. I trusted people I should not have trusted. I was naive and I thought people were good. The bible says that we should guard our hearts. When I view today's youth I see a lot of great things in some and a lot of not so great things in the others. For example, I love when the youth are on fire for God and not ashamed to give praise up to Him as loud as they can. However, it scares me when some young ladies write sexual things on their facebook walls. Not only is it not honoring God but it's putting young men in a difficult place. It's making them think ungodly thoughts. AND GIRLS IT'S RUINING YOUR REPUTATION!!! ESPECIALLY AS CHRISTIANS! We need to be careful and bear good fruit, not be neon lights saying look at me and how dim I can get after I'm used several times. I'm saying this from being a neon light myself in the past. I was never a neon light to anyone offline but I definitely was online. God forgave me and changed me. He can forgive you and change you also.
You might think I have no place and saying this but I love you all! When people love each other they guide them in love. Besides if you are on this blog you are used to the purple sparkly soap box I frequently get up on. Putting all things aside girls. GOD LOVES YOU! and HE KNOWS YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND YOU ARE WORTH IT! He will guide you away from the sinful situations you get caught up in within the youth environment. He will provide a safe haven for you to "have fun" but be godly.
Keep trusting Him! Keep shining your innocence... it's rare and it's needed!
Titus 2:3-5 (paraphrase)
"Older women should instruct younger women to be self-controlled and pure"
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