Psalm 23
1 The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
"I lack nothing" very strong words. Sometimes Satan lies to me and tells me I lack so much. Satan is constantly trying to tell me I am not good enough, smart enough, strong enough. Yet God tells me "I lack nothing". Why would I lack anything? I am a workmanship created in Christ Jesus. Why would I lack anything? God has blessed me with so much! So why do I always feel like I'm still lacking? Do you have this problem. In the bible there are many examples of women and men who felt as if they were lacking. Lacking faith, lacking relationships, lacking wisdom... they felt as though they lacked a lot. However! Jesus NEVER felt like He lacked anything because He knew that God had created Him with a purpose. God created us with a purpose too and if we listen to Him instead of our flesh or the world we too will realize we have all we need in Him. Now some of you that know me may be mumbling to yourselves right now, why doesn't she practice what she's preachin. You are "absolutely" right. Yet, the bible also says confess your sins one to another. I "realize" I am constantly saying I'm lacking so much. Nevertheless I want to turn it around. I want to be a woman who lacks nothing. I want to be a woman who KNOWS the power of God in me! I want to be used for His glory. So are you with me? Do you want to lack nothing? We are powerful we are His and we have a purpose!
Philippians 4:12
12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
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