Psalm 45:1
Beautiful words stir my heart. I will recite a lovely poem about the King, for my tongue is like the pen of a skillful poet.
Have you ever had so much praise in your heart that it was just welling up inside and overflowing? Well David did and there have been times when a lot of people have. It's incredible listening to a praise and worship song and realizing someone wrote those words to honor and glorify God. What is your favorite worship song? Think about how meaningful the words are. God's words are far more precious than our words can ever be. However, He delights when we praise Him. In fact, our praise is our offering and God loves an offering. Our praise to Him is like a nice juicy steak being roasted on a fire... as we pour out what is inside of us the aroma goes up to God's nostrils and He loves it so much. It pleases Him greatly. I want to encourage you that if God has given you the gift of words... use them. If God has given you a passion for writing poetry and music whatever He gave you a passion for... do it for Him!
A couple years ago I was prophecized over at a campus ministry. The message from God for me was to keep writing songs and poems but that I was never to sing them to people. I didn't quite understand this. Now I do as I'm older. They are to glorify and honor Him and He wants it to be like a personal love letter that shouldn't be shared because it is just "that" intimate. There is no fear of others and what they will think... it is just a personal thing for God. Occasionally I publish some of my poems but I only publish ones that I believe will help people through some difficult times. I do that also to honor God.
There is this man who plays the saxaphone at my church and sometimes the Holy Spirit annoints him so much he will just go at it. It is amazing to watch and honestly I doubt that he realizes anyone is watching him. It is such a blessing to see him give his all his gift to God and hear how wonderful it is. Sometimes if I close my eyes and just listen and let the Holy Spirit move through me... I hear it close to as beautifully as God hears it and it overwhelms me.
True worship is beautiful. Give your all to Him and let Him flow through you today. Don't care about the crowd.
Psalm 50:3
But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me. If you keep to my path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God.
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